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Think of your brain as your body’s “internal clock.” Just as a power glitch or old batteries will keep a clock from keeping time correctly, if anything disrupts timing in the brain, your body may not perform as optimally as it should for focusing attention, comprehension, remembering information, motor coordination, and other necessary capabilities.
An effective program for both adults and children, Interactive Metronome (IM) is a computer-assisted program that helps the body and mind to function at the optimal levels of performance by improving motor planning and sequencing, focus and attention, language processing and overall coordination.
For CHILDREN, IM has been proven to be an effective treatment for ADHD, Stuttering, Auditory Processing Disorders, Dyslexia, Sensory Processing Dysfunction and other learning disabilities. In some cases, children may have met their goals established during "traditional" therapy, but have difficulty integrating those skills to be able to use them functionally outside of the therapy setting. Interactive Metronome helps to integrate all those skills together like fitting the pieces of a puzzle together so that children can use what they've learned. IM also serves to prime the brain for new learning, by optimizing neural timing leading to more efficient treatments and better overall treatment outcomes. IM is also effective for Concussion Therapy.
For ADULTS with similar challenges, or for those sports enthusiasts looking to maximize their golf swing or coordination to improve overall athletic performance, the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2009) 8, 648-656 proved that Interactive Metronome significantly improved motor timing and synchronization to Improve golf shot accuracy alter just 4-week: 5 of training.
Some players/teams that the media has reported training with IM Include:
PGA • Vijay Singh. Glen Day
NBA • Miami Heat
NFL • Miami Dolphins
NHL • Florida Panthers
Universities - Notre Dame, Syracuse, North Carolina, Miami